Pheromone Science: Androstenol And Behavior

Happy Friday, Love Scent fans!

Before we turn to today’s topic, we have an announcement! This Sunday is Mother’s Day, and we hope that you have something special planned for the mothers in your life, whether it’s flowers, a phone call, or a big family celebration. And to show appreciation for all the mothers in the Love Scent family, we’re offering a Mother’s Day discount on one of our most popular products for women: Primal Women!

Primal Women is a mood-elevating, stress-relieving formula that contains a mix of social and sexual pheromones. It’s a nicely balanced product that has many beneficial self-effects. It’s also unscented, so it can be paired with any of your favorite perfumes. And, for a limited time, it’s available at the deeply discounted price of $49.95! Treat yourself or a mother in your life today!

Also, to our newsletter subscribers: check your inbox for a special, newsletter-exclusive Mother’s Day discount!

All right, let’s turn now to today’s topic: the effects of the pheromone AndrosteNOL on your behavior.

AndrosteNOL is a common addition to pheromone products, and for good reason: it has a wide range of beneficial effects, and a low risk of unpleasant side effects. Some benefits of wearing this pheromone include:

  • Enhanced social magnetism: when you wear it, you give off a friendly and approachable impression, so people will feel more comfortable talking to you–whether you’re in a bar, at a family dinner, or in a conference room.
  • Increased trustworthiness: because it makes you more friendly and approachable, people are more likely to trust you and more likely to open up to you–which is especially useful if you’re trying to break through someone’s walls and get closer to them.
  • Improved relationships: people of all genders respond to it, so you’ll see improvements in all of your relationships–with friends, colleagues, partners, and even strangers on the street.
  • Powerful self-effects: like all pheromones, it affects the wearer as much as those around them, so wearing AndrosteNOL will have you feeling calmer and more relaxed–which is great for anyone who struggles with shyness or has an introverted personality.
  • No bad side effects: unlike many pheromones, which can make you overbearing or intimidating when you use too much, AndrosteNOL can be safely used in large amounts–you won’t come across as aggressive or intimidating, but will appear friendly and relaxed. (That said, you don’t need to use very much: small amounts will do!)

If you’ve used any of our products that contain AndrosteNOL, you’ve experienced these effects firsthand. Many of Love Scent’s customers wear AndrosteNOL-based products to work and around friends, and plenty have found that it’s very helpful in their dating lives (which makes sense, as a trustworthy person is more likely to successfully strike up a conversation than someone who is overbearing or intimidating). Some people use this pheromone to smooth out their rough alpha edges, and others use it primarily for its mood-elevating self-effects. Whatever you use it for, you know how powerful it is!

So, what is it about AndrosteNOL that has such a strong effect on our behavior? The answer lies in how our brain responds to it–or, more particularly, how specific parts of our brain respond to it.

Remember, pheromones are detected through a special organ in our nose called the vomeronasal organ, or VNO. This organ is a unique part of our olfactory system that specifically detects pheromones in the air (as opposed to the other parts of our nose, which detect other smells). You can think of the VNO as pheromones’ pathway to our brains: the VNO detects the pheromones and sends the information to our brains, and the brain, in turn, responds with altering our behavior or mood. Of course, how our brain responds depends on the pheromone: some pheromones arouse us, others relax us, others make us more sociable, and so on.

Now, we’ve known for a long time that AndrosteNOL has strong effects on women’s behavior in particular. A study conducted in 1991[1] exposed men and women to AndrosteNOL and copulins overnight. After a full night of exposure to AndrosteNOL, women reported that they had many more social interactions the next day–specifically, more social interactions with men. So, the effects of the AndrosteNOL lingered: the women were more sociable with men even after they were no longer being directly exposed to the pheromone.

That early study focused more on the behavioral effects of AndrosteNOL than its physical effects on the brain, so it wasn’t yet clear why the pheromone had that effects. Was it really impacting the women on a behavioral level, or was something else at play–for example, did they just subconsciously respond to the faintly sweet smell of the pheromones?

A more recent study, this one conducted in 2010[2], offers some answers. In this study, healthy heterosexual women aged 22-38 were exposed to three things–plain air, Androstenol, and non-pheromone odors–while undergoing brain scans. The plain air provided a baseline for how their brains responded to smelling the unmodified environment around them, and the non-pheromone odors helped distinguish whether the brain responded differently to pheromones (as opposed to regular smells). Each woman had her brain scanned three times, with each scan showing how her brain responded to the different stimuli.

The results of the 2010 study give us more information about how AndrosteNOL impacts our behavior. When exposed to this pheromone, two very particular regions of the women’s brains were activated: the anterior hypothalamus and the right amygdala. The hypothalamus is a brain region that regulates a wide range of human behavior, including sexual behavior and social interactions; the anterior hypothalamus in particular is believed to play a role in courtship behavior, though those effects are more well-documented in males than in females[3]. And the right amygdala is linked to our response to emotional stimuli–specifically, our detection of emotional stimuli, rather than in-depth analysis of different emotions[4].

The non-pheromone odors, on the other hand, activated other parts of the brain that weren’t activated by the AndrosteNOL. This shows that the subjects’s brains recognized AndrosteNOL as a distinct compound, not just an ordinary odor, and that the AndrosteNOL had a unique effect on the brain.

So, in the end, the answer is very simple: AndrosteNOL affects us so strongly because it actively stimulates parts of our brain that regulate our behavior. It’s not a placebo effect or a response to AndrosteNOL’s natural scent: it affect us at a very deep, very particular neurological level.

At least, this is what research tells us about AndrosteNOL’s strong effect on women. What about men? Well, we know from other research that AndrosteNOL helps men process emotional information more accurately[5]. This may be due to activation of the anterior hypothalamus or right amygdala, or it might be due to some other physical response. More research is needed to confirm how, specifically, AndrosteNOL affects men’s behavior and emotions.

Whatever mechanism allows AndrosteNOL to affect us, we know that the results are powerful. If you haven’t tried out this pheromone yet, we have plenty of ways for you to test it out. Try one of these products, all of which contain AndrosteNOL as the sole pheromone ingredient or as a primary pheromone ingredient, and experience the effects for yourself:

There you have it, Love Scent fans–female Love Scent fans in particular! Now you not only know what effects AndrosteNOL will have on you, but why it affects many of us this way. We hope you’re as fascinated by this as we are!


These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.



1. Cowley JJ, Brooksbank BW. Human exposure to putative pheromones and changes in aspects of social behaviour. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol 1991; 39: 647–659.

2. Savic I, Berglund H (2010) Androstenol – a Steroid Derived Odor Activates the Hypothalamus in Women. PLoS ONE 5(2): e8651.

3. Paredes, R. G. (2003). Medial preoptic area/anterior hypothalamus and sexual motivation. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 44, 203–212.

4.  Wright CI, Fischer H, Whalen PJ, McInerney SC, Shin LM, et al. (2001) Differential prefrontal cortex and amygdala habituation to repeatedly presented emotional stimuli. NeuroReport 12: 379–383.

5. d’Ettorre P, Bueno S, Rödel HG, Megherbi H, Seigneuric A, Schaal B and Roberts SC (2018) Exposure to Androstenes Influences Processing of Emotional Words. Front. Ecol. Evol. 5:169.

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