Some FAQs About Pheromones (Part 3)

Smiling happy woman in black surrounded by question marks and a glowing light bulb above her head

Happy Friday, Love Scent fans!

This week, we’re going to go over some more FAQs about pheromones! These are questions we often get from new customers and callers who just want to know more about our products, how to use them, or pheromones in general. We’ve also seen these questions pop up in discussions about pheromones online and in the media. We feel it’s important for everyone to know as much as they can about pheromones if they’re going to be using them in their daily lives, so we’d like to answer them for you!

If you’re new to pheromones, or just want to learn more about them, feel free to check out Part 1 and Part 2 of our FAQs about pheromones as well!

Now, let’s take a look at some of our FAQs about pheromones!


1. Where Should I Apply Pheromones?

This is an important and very practical question, and one of the top FAQs about pheromones we hear. Applying pheromones properly is essential if you want to see effects!

Now, all the pheromones available at Love Scent are for external use only. You’re putting them on your skin, not consuming them! But putting them just anywhere doesn’t always work, unless you’re only wearing them with partners during intimate moments when you won’t be more than a few inches away from each other. In other situations, you need to apply pheromones in a way that will allow people several feet away to pick up on them.

So how do you make people a few feet away detect your pheromones? By applying them to your pulse points–anywhere you can feel a heartbeat right under your skin. These are the same places where you should apply perfumes and colognes, and for the same reason: pulse points act as natural diffusers. The skin is hotter right on top of the pulse, and that broadcasts the scents and pheromones into the air so that other people can pick up on them.

Take a look at the top pulse points for fragrance and pheromone application:

Image: diagram showing the best application points for perfume, with the best application points shown as behind the ear, inside the wrist, base of throat, inside of elbow, and back of knee.

The wrists, throat, and behind the ears are the most common pulse points for applying scents and pheromones. Some people also like to apply a little on the inside of the elbow or behind the knee to create a cloud of pheromone-infused fragrance all around them. (We’ve also heard of some women applying their pheromones to their inner thighs, which will no doubt work well in very intimate moments!)

A good way to get full pheromone coverage is to:

  1. Put 1-2 drops/sprays of pheromones on your wrist
  2. Gently rub your wrists together
  3. Dab your still-damp wrists on your throat/behind the ears
  4. If desired, dab your still-damp wrists on the inside of your elbow or behind the knee
  5. If using an additional cover fragrance, wait for the pheromones to dry before repeating steps 1-4 with the fragrance

This way, you’ll be exuding pheromones from all around your body and increasing the chances that someone will pick up on them. Pheromones can’t work if no one is exposed to them, after all!

One final note on pheromone application: if you’re using pheromones at least in part for their self-effects, make sure to apply them to the neck and consider adding a dab under the nose as well. This will make sure you will reap all of the pheromones’ positive effects, such as elevated mood, increased confidence, and an improved outlook on life.


2. How Should I Mix Pheromones / What’s The Recommended Mix Ratio?

This is one of our most common FAQs about pheromones, especially from customers who have just started using them. Once people learn that pheromones can be mixed together to enhance their effects, or that unscented pheromones should be combined with a cologne or perfume for best effects, their immediate question is: what ratio should I use in mixing?

The answer: it depends!

One important thing to understand here is that everyone’s pheromone needs are different. We all naturally produce pheromones, but differences in diet, activity level, age, hormone levels, and a lot of other factors cause natural variations in the amount of pheromones a person produces. For example, a young man who is very active and eats a vitamin-rich diet would probably have higher levels of certain pheromones than an older man who isn’t as active and eats a less-nutritious diet. So, the younger and more active man would not need as strong a pheromone to see the same effects as his older, less-active counterpart.

So how do you know what the right ratio is for you, whether you’re just mixing an unscented pheromone with a cologne or mixing different pheromones together? There’s only one way to find out: experiment! Experimenting will help you learn what works best for you, whether it’s a combination of an unscented pheromone and a cover fragrance or a full-blown DIY pheromone cologne or perfume.

The key with experimenting is to make small test batches first! Don’t dump a full bottle of NPA for Men into a bottle of cologne right away, or mix entire bottles of Alpha-7 and Chikara together. You might end up with a proportion that just doesn’t work for you, and you can’t separate the different parts once they’re mixed together! Start with a small test batch (for example, 1 part NPA to 3 parts cologne), put that in your chosen container (like a roll-on bottle or atomizer), and do some test runs with it. If it works well, great! Make a larger batch. If you need more or less pheromones, keep making small batches with different adjustments until you find the proportion than works well for you!

If you want some guidance on pheromone mixes before jumping into the deep end, we have a resource for you: The Phero Mixer CookbookThis online guide, made by pheromone users, has a lot of tips on mixing pheromones and plenty of recipes for user-developed pheromone mixes.

Also, if you need some visual step-by-step guidance, check out our video on pheromone mixing!

Finally, if you need something to hold your mixes while you experiment, you can find roll-ons and atomizers in our catalog.


3. How Do I Know If My Pheromones Are Working?

Of all the FAQs about pheromones we hear, this is one of the most important. If you don’t know whether your pheromones are working, how do you know how to choose the right formula for you?

First of all, it’s important to think of pheromones as only one tool in a very large toolbox. They’re here to help you, but they can’t do all the work for you. Your appearance, behavior, people skills, and body language are all equally important elements when you’re trying to attract others.

But let’s say you’ve worked on all those other elements, and pheromones are the final piece of the puzzle. How do you know whether your pheromone mix is working or not?

Well, first of all, very negative responses to pheromones are relatively easy to spot. If someone moves away from you, doesn’t engage in conversation, outright asks you to leave them alone, or otherwise doesn’t respond to your advances, and this is an unusual experience for you (that is, this pretty much never happens to you), you’re almost certainly not wearing the right pheromone. The pheromones are probably too strong and are making you come across as aggressive, overbearing, or unsafe. Reduce the amount of pheromones you’re wearing, and, if you’re wearing a strong sex pheromone like AndrosteNONE, consider combining it with a social pheromone like AndrosteNOL to keep the tension down.

On the flip side, very positive responses are also easy to spot. If someone is telling you how great you smell, getting closer to you, or happily engaging you in conversation, and this is an unusual experience for you, then the pheromones are definitely working! Keep doing what you’re doing. Be careful about just adding more pheromones, though, as that can backfire quickly–especially with strong sex pheromones. If you are going to add more pheromones to the mix, do so slowly, in small increments.

But what about the more subtle responses to pheromones? After all, a lot of people don’t feel comfortable telling a stranger to leave them alone, and not everyone will cozy up to someone they just met, either. How do you read those less-obvious signals?

The best thing you can do to know if your pheromones are working is to become fluent in body language. The majority of our person-to-person communication is through body language, with the words we use making up less than 10% of what we convey to others! Even if you think you’re already an expert in body language, you should review what psychologists have to say about it before you head out to test your pheromones. You might be surprised by what you find out!

We’ve put together an overview of body language to help you understand these unspoken signals between people. We highly recommend looking it over if you’re interested in knowing how your pheromones are working!


4. Are Pheromones Safe To Use?

This is one of those FAQs about pheromones that we’re always glad to hear. We’re happy that prospective pheromone users are keeping safety in mind and making sure they’re doing what’s best for themselves and those around them!

The answer: yes, pheromones are very safe to use for the vast majority of people!

Many people who ask this question are under the impression that pheromones are absorbed through the skin and affect your hormones, like the topical testosterone gels that doctors prescribe to men. While pheromones do soak into the skin a little bit, they are not absorbed into the bloodstream. They sit on the skin, and the blood running under the skin diffuses the pheromones into the air, just as pulse points diffuse perfume or cologne.

So how do pheromones affect us, if they’re not being absorbed into the bloodstream? Well, they actually work directly with the brain. The pheromones are detected by the VNO, or vomeronasal organ, a specialized organ that only detects pheromones:

Diagram of the human olfactory system. The vomeronasal organ is highlighted with a red circle. It is located right above the roof of the mouth.

Once the VNO detects pheromones in the air, it transmits that information to different parts of the brain–such as the anterior hypothalamus and the right amygdala–with different brain regions responding to different pheromones. So, your body does respond to pheromones, but not by absorbing them through the skin!

Other people who ask this question want to know if pheromones will cause unwanted aggression or bad behavior in others. This is also a very important concern, and it’s always good to know that potential pheromone users are planning ahead to make their experience a good one. It’s true that overusing pheromones, especially strong sex pheromones like the AndrosteNONE found in many pheromone products, can make other people–especially men–aggressive and agitated. So, repeat this mantra over and over: less is more! Always start with less than you think you need, and only use more if you’re absolutely certain you need it.

All this said, there are small groups of people who should avoid some pheromones, and it comes down purely to factors they can’t control. If you are prone to skin allergies, for example, oil-based pheromones might cause rashes or hives and shouldn’t be used. (If you do have skin allergies, make sure to test the pheromones on a tiny part of your skin and wash them off promptly with soap and water as soon as a bad reaction starts.) People who are very sensitive to fragrances should also avoid scented pheromones and stick to milder pheromones that do not require a cover fragrance, such as Liquid Trust.

Bottom line: when used properly, pheromones are perfectly safe for the vast majority of people, so don’t be afraid of giving them a try!


5. Can I Increase Pheromones Naturally?

This is another one of the top FAQs about pheromones, and the answer is yes, you can!

As we’ve said, your body naturally produces pheromones, and there are a lot of things you can do to enhance your body’s natural pheromone production. Some strategies are:

  1. Get enough exercisethis increases testosterone levels in the body, which in turn increases natural levels of sex pheromones like AndrosteNONE and AndrosteRONE in both men and women.
  2. Get enough sleepthis also increases your natural testosterone levels and therefore increases your sex pheromone levels.
  3. Change your diet–you can also increase testosterone levels (both overall testosterone and free testosterone) by making adjustments to your diet: foods high in zinc, magnesium, and Vitamins E and D increase testosterone levels, and boron increases estrogen and testosterone in some women and testosterone in men. Check out a more complete guide to pheromones and diet here!

As you can see, the best way to increase pheromones, particularly sex pheromones, is to live as healthy a life as possible. Take care of yourself, get enough rest, keep your body active, and eat nutritious foods whenever possible. We know these can be big life adjustments for a lot of people, so the key is to make slow, steady change. Start going for walks after dinner, start going to bed a little bit earlier, and start experimenting with new recipes and trying new snacks–and then go from there!


There you have it, Love Scent fans! Some more FAQs about pheromones from people like you. We hope you find this information useful! And be sure to check out Some FAQs About Pheromones (Part 1) and Some FAQs About Pheromones (Part 2) for more answers to common questions!


Have you ever asked one of these FAQs about pheromones? Are there any other pheromone questions you’d like answered? Let us know below! You can also contact us directly with questions, comments, or concerns. Also be sure to subscribe to our newsletter to get free samples and to be the first to hear about blog posts, vlogs, exclusive promotions, new products, and more!


These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.



  1. Thank you for the insight. Pheromones has a well know reputation to attract an intimate relationship. I was wondering, however, have pheromones ever been used to augment other biological functions?

    • Hello Jay,

      Pheromones can also act as a social lubricant, making it easier for groups of people to get along well with one another. This is important for bonding with family and friends in non-sexual situations.

      – Love Scent

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